Home Developer tools WebCode 1.1.1

WebCode 1.1.1

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Name WebCode 1.1.1 Size 3.63 MB Created on 2015-04-21 12:39:28 Tracker Hash 682cc10e4bf23146dd2e27cfffbc5caa0afa77c3 Files WebCode 1.1.1.dmg (3.63 MB)

Descriptions for Description

Name: WebCode
Version: 1.1.1
Mac Platform: Intel
Includes: Pre-K'ed

OS version: OS X 10.7 or later
Processor type(s) & speed: 64-bit processor

Release Date: October 26, 2013

What's New in Version 1.1.1

Better compatibility with future OS X releases
Improved SVG import

More Info: https://itunes.apple.com/app/webcode/id570644822

WebCode is a vector drawing app that instantly generates JavaScript+Canvas, CSS+HTML or SVG code. While you are designing HTML5 games, infographics or web user interfaces, WebCode tirelessly writes the code for you!

Developed from the ground up with resolution independence in mind, the code generated by WebCode works great on both Retina and non-Retina displays. WebCode also imports SVG and PSD files, so if you already have some of these, you can easily reuse them.

If you are doing a lot of HTML5 Canvas drawing, WebCode will become your best friend. You will no longer have to write the drawing code by hand. Your drawings will be converted to JavaScript code instantly, saving you countless hours of tedious work. Most importantly, the generated code is nice, clean and readable. WebCode even lets you conveniently copy small JavaScript snippets just when you need them.

Stop writing CSS3 gradients, shadows and media queries by hand - from now on, WebCode will do that for you. In fact, it will convert as much of your drawings as possible to CSS+HTML code! Rectangles, rounded rectangles, ovals, texts, images, gradients, inner and outer shadows, strokes and fills are all well supported. And for things like béziers that simply cannot be converted to CSS+HTML, WebCode will let you know by generating helpful warnings.

SVG shines when making infographics, and WebCode is a great tool that instantly transforms your drawings to readable, succinct and beautiful SVG code. The code is shown in real time - you can see it change and grow! This is not only really cool to look at, but it is also a great way to learn SVG, JavaScript+Canvas and CSS. All of these features are designed to save your time, so you can focus on what is really important - the content itself.



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