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Qbserve 1.85

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Qbserve mac torrents

Qbserve 1.85

Qbserve is an automatic private time tracker that helps improve your productivity. It gives you instant answers about the way you spend your time by intelligently observing active apps. All the tracked information is stored privately on your machine.

Qbserve knows productivity rates for thousands of sites and apps and has a unique ability to differentiate between chats in Skype, Slack, and Telegram, YouTube videos, and subreddits. You can also set alerts to notify you when you are reaching your goals or spending too much time on distractions.

Compatibility: OS X 10.10 or later 64-bit
Homepage https://qotoqot.com/qbserve


Name: Qbserve_1.85__TNT_Mactorrents.io.dmg
Size: 7 MB
Files Qbserve_1.85__TNT_Mactorrents.io.dmg[7 MB]



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