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Geekbench 5.0.0

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Geekbench 5 measure processor and memory performance and more icon
Name Geekbench 5 5.0.0 TNT mactorrent.biz.dmg
Size 127.4 MB
Created on 2019-09-04 07:11:31
Hash 0b6aa97a9383d0f9173afa184666eb064e1c0576
Files Geekbench 5 5.0.0 TNT mactorrent.biz.dmg (127.4 MB)


Descriptions for Geekbench 5.0.0

Geekbench 4 measures your system’s power and tells you whether your computer is ready to roar. How strong is your mobile device or desktop computer? How will it perform when push comes to crunch? These are the questions that Geekbench can answer.

Compatibility: OS X 10.10.5 or later 64-bit

Web Site: http://www.geekbench.com/

Mac App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/app/geekbench-4/id1175706108?mt=12

What’s New in Geekbench 5.0.0

CPU Benchmark:

  • The Geekbench 5 CPU Benchmark includes new benchmark tests that model the challenges your system faces when running the latest applications. These tests use cutting-edge technologies, including machine learning, augmented reality, and computational photography.
  • Geekbench 5 also increases the memory footprint of existing workloads to more accurately account for the effect memory performance has on CPU performance.
  • Finally, the Geekbench 5 CPU Benchmark includes new modes of multi-threaded benchmarks, allowing threads to work co-operatively on one problem rather than separately on different problems. With the addition of different threading models, Geekbench 5 better captures the performance of different multi-threaded applications on personal computing devices.
  • GPU Compute Benchmark
  • Geekbench 5 includes several improvements to the GPU Compute Benchmark.
  • The most exciting change is that the Compute Benchmark now supports Vulkan, along with CUDA, Metal, and OpenCL. Vulkan is the next-generation cross-platform graphics and compute API. Vulkan Compute Benchmarks are available on Android, Windows, and Linux.
  • The Compute Benchmark also includes new benchmark tests that model algorithms that are GPU accelerated in modern applications. These include computer vision tasks such as Stereo Matching, and augmented reality tasks such as Feature Matching.

Dark Mode:

  • Geekbench 5 includes a refreshed results interface with full support for Dark Mode on macOS 10.14. Support for Dark Mode on iOS 13 will be available later this year.


  • Geekbench 5 is 64-bit only, dropping support for 32-bit processors and operating systems. Geekbench 5 does not include any of the compromises required to run on 32-bit systems. This enables Geekbench 5 to include more ambitious benchmark tests with larger data sets and longer running times.



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