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Substance painter 2 3 icon
Name Allegorithmic Substance Painter
Size 1.05 GB
Created on 2016-10-04 01:10:23
Hash 8c4095734ed8eacc383505aa5ca73f3df0379767
Files Allegorithmic Substance Painter.zip (1.05 GB)


  Name: Allegorithmic Substance Painter  Version:  Mac Platform: Intel  OS Version: OS X 10.10 or later  Processor type(s) & speed: 64-bit processor      Web Site: http://www.allegorithmic.com/products/substance-painter          Overview  Substance Painter is a 3D Painting app with never before seen features and workflow improvements to make the creation of textures for 3D assets easier than ever. It is acknowledged as the most innovative and user-friendly 3D Painter out there.      Main Features  - Dota 2 Template - Create items and characters for Dota 2 with our custom Dota 2 template, allowing you to create, preview and export all the textures needed easily!  - Particle Brushes - Throw water, dirt or even fire at your object and watch the realistic weathering effects unfold in real time!  - Material Painting - Paint full materials at once, lay the groundwork for your textures or paint small details in seconds!  - Smart Material - Reuse your materials to texture super quickly!  - Physically Based Viewport - Preview your painting in a next-gen viewport for accurate material feedback.  - Use Any Rendering Shader - Import your own custom shaders and create your own channels to paint on (or use available pre-built shaders)  - Fully Non-Destructive - Modify your UVs or topology at any time without ever losing your work.  - Substance Brushes - Use your Substances as brushes and unleash parametric painting!  - 2D Seamless Painting Paint in 2D across seams thanks to the unified 3D/2D pipeline. Massive time saver and unique feature in digital painting application!  - Multi-Material - Paint on the different texture sets of your mesh!  - Shelf - A dense preset library of materials, tools and effects that are tweakable, making the possibilities infinite.        What's New in Version 2.3.0:  Added :   ・[Plugin] New "Export to Photoshop" plugin (export complete layer stack)   ・[Export] Allow to specify the width of the padding (in pixels or infinite)   ・[Export] Allow to set the type of background outside of the UVs   ・[Shelf] New material layering shader to blend 10 materials   ・[Shelf] New clay shader to view details with the height/normal channel   ・[Shelf] New baked lighting filter with environment input   ・[Shelf] Updated some mask generators to add non-square transformations   ・[Viewport] Add composited normal map (normal+height+bake) to the solo mode   ・[Scripting] Allow to export additional maps   ・[Scripting] Allow to query available Additional maps per Texture Set   ・[Scripting] Allow to retrieve channel format   ・[Scripting] Add examples in the baking documentation   ・[Scripting] Allow to query the visibility of a layer   ・[Scripting] Allow to query layer's blending mode and opacity   ・[Scripting] Allow to export converted maps (final normal maps, mixed AO, etc.)   ・[Substance] Read and connect custom usages   ・[Shortcuts] Add modifier key (SHIFT) to cycle solo mode backward   ・[Export] Updated default export preset to disable alpha   ・[UI] Thumbnails are now only computed if the engine is available   ・[UI] Display a mention when thumbnails are computing      Fixed :   ・Crash with some old projects when opening them   ・Crash with corrupted texture channels cache   ・Crash when blending more than 4 materials with Material Layering workflow   ・[UI] Tool shortcuts don't work if the toolbar is hidden   ・[UI] Iray toolbar is labeled "Untitled" in the View Menu   ・[UI] Plugin toolbars are named "Untilted" in the View Menu   ・[Baker] Pressing Enter while editing a bake setting launches the bake process   ・[Baker] Incorrect ranges for some parameters   ・[Import] Impossible to import OBJ meshes because of very big numbers   ・[Import] Some OBJ files are imported with too many sub-objects   ・[Export] channel background is filled with black instead of default color at export   ・[Tool] Particles don't work properly if FOV is too low   ・[Tool] Brush preview color is incorrect with masks in sub-stacks   ・[Viewport] When brush goes into empty areas in 2D view it becomes gigantic   ・[Viewport] Blank brush preview when painting Normal textures   ・[Scripting] Incorrect documentation : "ao" listed instead of "ambientocclusion"   ・[Scripting] Process started with subprocess() is killed when closing Painter   ・[Shelf] Baked lighting filter use incorrect AO input   ・[MacOS] Removed Fire Hydrant project (incompatible)   ・Default project opens when loading a *.spt file (instead of *.spp)      Known Issue :   ・[Plugin] Because of Photoshop, the height and normal channel can't be translated as-is  

Substance Painter 2 Release Trailer



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