Home AKVIS AKVIS NatureArt 7.0.1517 (11687)

AKVIS NatureArt 7.0.1517 (11687)

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Name AKVIS NatureArt 7.0.1517 (11687)
Size 141.6 MB
Created on 2015-06-02 12:58:52
Hash 34f23570594bf523393a8b6591fe0d076d56693c
Files AKVIS NatureArt 7.0.1517 [k’d].dmg (141.6 MB)


  Name: AKVIS NatureArt  Version: 7.0.1517 (11687)  Mac Platform: UB  Includes: Pre-K'ed    OS version: n/a  Processor type(s) & speed: n/a  RAM minimum: 2 Gb  Video RAM: n/a    Drag the AKVIS NatureArt.app in the Applications folder. Drag AKVIS NatureArt Plugin.app into PhotoShop plug-in folder.    When you first open it select Try It and choose Deluxe or Business.  Gives you 999999 days of trial days!    Notes:  Block outgoing connections (Little Snitch, Hands Off!.. or something like that) Disable automatic update checks      http://akvis.com/en/natureart/index.php    It's hard to compete with nature in diversity and man has still much to learn from it. We are not able to create the Earth in seven days, but we can imitate some of its natural phenomena in digital art.  AKVIS NatureArt is an excellent tool for imitating the magnificence of natural phenomena on your photos.    The software lets you apply weather effects to your picture or create nature scenes from scratch, converting a blank background into a sea view or a night sky with scattered, glistening stars.    If a photo looks a bit lifeless and dull, you can add some dramatic effects by putting the shining sun or a marvelous rainbow, or even a lightning bolt on it, and by adding rain or snow, or a misty fog.  

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